Arduino Prototyping with your Android Phone

Arduino Prototyping with your Android Phone
1Sheeld allows for rapid Arduino prototyping by leveraging your Android device.
1Sheeld allows for rapid Arduino prototyping by leveraging your Android device.

Most of us have some form of Android device which is chock-full of sensors and actuators. Wouldn’t it be convenient if we could access those easily to speed up prototyping? That’s the idea behind 1Sheeld. Via a Bluetooth connection, this shield connects with and exposes the device’s sensors, actuators, and selected app APIs for easy access by the Arduino.

This shield will plug into most Arduino boards and will work at either 3.3 or 5 volts. The version of Bluetooth it supports is 2.1 and the minimum Android is version 2.3. Having such a wide range of compatibility ensures 1Sheeld will be useful in the vast majority of situations.

Connecting Arduino to Android wirelessly is only half the story. The other half is the Android app and all the access it unleashes. Currently there are 30 items to select from in its main menu. Sensors available include accelerometer, GPS, light, and more. Actuators include buzzer, flash, speakers, etc. while the APIs are available for Facebook, email, Twitter, and more. There are 30 items on the list now, their target for this year is to increase the list to 100 items. It’s available now for preorder for $50 at

1Sheeld marries Arduinos to your Android phone for prototyping. Brilliant.

1Sheeld is one of the startups at this weekend’s Maker Faire Bay Area.

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