HeatSync Labs Hosts Arduino Hackathon

Arduino Technology
HeatSync Labs Hosts Arduino Hackathon

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Phoenix’s HeatSync Labs will host HackPHX, an all-day, all-night Arduino hackathon tomorrow, March 2, from 10am-10:15pm. Here’s how it will go down: In an ode to Iron Chef, 50 participants will be split into 10 teams for 12 hours to create something awesome from an Arduino, a “secret ingredient,” and the hackerspace’s resources. The teams will compete for more than $4,000 in prizes and giveaways. Expect music, robots, interactive light, wearable electronics, and more. Tickets are sold out, but the the event will be live streamed right here.

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Inside Phoenix’s HeatSync Labs.

Here’s the tentative schedule:

  • 10am:  Team Interview – Begin Hacking
  • 1pm: Progress Check with AlisaEx
  • 5pm: Progress Check with AlisaEx
  • 8pm: Final submission
  • 8pm: Demos!
  • 9:45pm:  Judges and Jury Deliberation
  • 10pm: Closing Ceremonies and Prizes
  • 10:15pm: Final interviews with AlisaEx

HeatSync Labs is a 501c3 nonprofit. Their last event was an HTML5 hackathon, but they’re not restricting themselves to technology. They say they’re planning costume/prop and lockpicking/security hackathons, too.

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

View more articles by Stett Holbrook


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