Make: Projects is our collaborative projects wiki. It’s a great place to share and discover projects and techniques. If you build one of the projects and discover a better way to do something, you can amend the original instructions with your improvements. The beauty of a wiki! Here are some recently added projects.
Hidden Garden Sprinklers
Jim Clack devised a way to hide the oscillating sprinkler heads that he uses to water his lawn under his walkway paving stones.
My garden is a mix of rectangular areas and it takes a number of partial-sweep sprinkler heads to get full coverage, whereas a single oscillating sprinkler can be adjusted to cover the entire rectangle. But I didn’t want to leave these green-and-yellow sprinkler monstrosities scattered around our beautiful garden all of the time. So I came up with a plan: I put the sprinklers underneath the walkway. Now when I want to water the garden I just flip over a few pavers and the turn on the sprinkler system at the hose bib. It’s easy, cheap, and totally out-of-sight when not in use.
Audio-Enhanced Touch Sensors to Help the Visually Impaired
Make: Projects user Matt created a system to help visually impaired individuals learn their way around a new device, by adding audio tags to touch sensors. He used Arduino boards interfaced with an Android mobile device.
Super-Easy Bucket Platform Shoes
Jim Shelby made himself a pair of platform shoes by duct taping a pair of house shoes to two utility buckets.
I needed something quick and simple to get me up to the 8-foot level without having to buy, make, or learn to use stilts. Professional dry-wallers use stilts to do their jobs. They are good at what they do, and it’s a unique skill not often seen. As I am a DIYer, and attempting my first full home restoration, I needed something similar; hence the bright idea I have here. If you need it now, and you need it cheap, this is the way to go.
3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield
Joe Hudy has instructions up for building a 3x3x3 LED Cube Arduino Shield. There was one of these running in Make Labs a few weeks ago. Watching the light patterns on it is mesmerizing!