I met Eric Jennings at the Hardware Innovation Workshop last May where he was showing off plans for a new wireless Arduino-compatible mircocontroller board. After going through nine prototypes since then, he and co-founder Sally Carson launched the Pinoccio this week. Here’s how Eric describes the platform:
Pinoccio is a complete ecosystem for building the Internet of Things. It’s a wireless, web-ready microcontroller with WiFi, LiPo battery, & built-in radio, and an API to get your board talking to the Web right out of the box. It’s also Arduino-compatible, meaning you can use the Arduino IDE to program the board, just like you would with an Arduino Uno or Mega.
The board is based on the ATmega128RFA1 and is most similar to the Arduino Mega, but with a built-in radio and a much smaller footprint. It’s always great to see new smartly-designed open hardware projects coming to market and releasing their designs and code.