Want to build your own blimp? The folks at Ynvisible show you how to do just that with balloons, helium, balsa wood, paperclips, motors, and Printoo, their brand new Arduino-based platform of paper-thin, low-power microcontroller boards and circuit modules.
There are two tiny DC motors onboard; one controls the altitude and the other, connected to a micro servo, allows you to steer the airship and terrorize your pets. The Printoo Bluetooth module enables you to use your phone to wirelessly control the blimp, the motor control module helps you drive the DC motors, and the solar cell module will regulate power from a lithium battery.
In short order, the team behind Printoo have surpassed their $20,000 Kickstarter funding goal and will be funded in mid-May. A minimum pledge of $45 will score you the Printoo Core kit which includes the Printoo core module, a coin-cell battery holder, and 2 electrochromic 7-segment displays.