We’re coming up on the end of April, and the end of our month’s “Geek Chic” theme. But I didn’t wanna let the month go buy without at least mentioning the fact that we’ve got an entire collection in Makers Market full of awesome stuff that is both geeky and, um, chic-y. If you or someone you love finds themselves in the intersection of that particular Venn diagram, you might take a moment to check it out. There’s stuff here you can’t find anywhere else, and it’s all lovingly made, sold, and shipped direct to you by indie makers trying their hands as entrepreneurs.
Blue Boy robot necklace, by Alluring Robot. New and recycled electronic components.
Windows BSOD belt buckle, by The Bare Tree.
Twisted data wire bracelets, by Twisted Handmade. Assorted colors and patterns.
Helbotica T-shirt, by Chop Shop Store. Original design from typographic symbols.
Caffeine necklace, by Made With Molecules. Many other molecules available.
HTML head tag earrings, by Nicholas and Felice. Sterling silver.
Atomic emission spectrum scarf, by Becky Stern. Available in your choice of element.
Atomic silver symbol necklace, by Nicholas and Felice. Sterling silver.
Igaaks sun goggles, by Paul Celmer. Available in brass, stainless, acrylic.
ASCII heart necklace, by Becky Stern. Sterling silver.