makers market

News about Makers Market

News about Makers Market

Here is a statement that just got issued by the staff of Makers Market: After a seven month beta test period, we’re sad to report that we’ve reached a decision to cease operation of Makers Market and Boing Boing Bazaar. Although the concept of a marketplace for indie makers invited by the staffs of MAKE […]

Tai Goo’s railroad spike knives

Tai Goo’s railroad spike knives

Knifemaker Scott Roush (aka Makers Market seller Big Rock Forge) first put me on to the work of Arizona bladesmith Tai Goo. Forging a knife out of a railroad spike is an old blacksmith trick, and lots of folks will sell you lower quality “tourist grade” RR spike knives as souvenirs, but Tai Goo is widely regarded as the master of the form. Besides his evident skill, Tai Goo is a minimalist. He practices an art called “neo-tribal knifemaking” that involves using as few power tools as possible. [Thanks, Scott!]

How-To: Make a metal cracker

How-To: Make a metal cracker

New York artist Herbert Hoover, aka Makers Market seller Snacks & Bones, presents a tutorial on how to cast your favorite Saltineâ„¢-type cracker in shiny pewter. Hoover’s iconic, numbered crackers are sold in Art-o-Mat vending machines around the country, and the Cracker Tracker collects photos of crackers and their proud owners from around the world. If you don’t have the tools or the time to make your own, and you can’t find a nearby Art-o-Mat, Hoover will gladly sell you one online for $15.

Machine-knit bags from Sternlab

Our own Becky Stern makes these beautiful drawstring pouches in three different sizes. They feature custom-designed knit patterns inside and out, with an extra layer of padding to protect your valuables. Good for your LARPing inventory, precious amulet, digital camera, or phone. Becky makes these to order, and will gladly produce any size/pattern/color combination from among those displayed in her shop.