This Week in Making: Secret Prison Computers, Destiny Sparrows, and a Invisible Girl

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This Week in Making: Secret Prison Computers, Destiny Sparrows, and a Invisible Girl

Computers in the Ceiling

In a stunt that definitely feels like it was pulled straight from the plot line of some prison TV show, a prisoner held in Marion Correctional Institution built an entire computer network in the ceiling of the prison’s computer lab. The network was discovered after staff noticed some unusual activity associated to a particular prison password.

Illustration by Cam Floyd

Investigators eventually pinpointed the perpetrator, and during the following interrogation, it was revealed that the computers had been built by hand and were being used to steal identities. You should really check out the full story. It will have you at the end of your seat, and highlight why more and more prisons are banning Make: magazine from their libraries.

Women Who STEAM

It was Ada Lovelace Day this past Tuesday. The day specifically highlights Lovelace for her creation of the most detailed and complex examples of what would eventually evolve into “code.” Why is that so important? Because she did it years before computers were even really a thing.

Makers everywhere honored Lovelace by highlighting women who have made headway in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, or math with #ALD17. What women did you celebrate?

Fly like a Sparrow

Probably the best part about Destiny and Destiny 2 is pulling off incredible tricks in a Sparrow. Not content with the virtual experience, Ryan “RWilly Williams and Blake “Bilko” Williams tested out real life Sparrows. Watch them pull off some truly spectacular stunts!

The Invisible Girl

Aicosu, a cosplaying duo, pulled off an amazing cosplay of Toru, the invisible girl from the anime My Hero Academia. Fans claim it has to be photoshop, but I’m still betting on plain ol’ witchcraft.

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Jordan has spent much of his life writing about his many geeky pastimes. He's particularly passionate about indie game design and Japanese art, but loves interacting with creators from all walks of life.

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