Fully Functioning Giant Game Boy is Perfect for Parties

Raspberry Pi Workshop
Fully Functioning Giant Game Boy is Perfect for Parties


Many of us have a nostalgic connection to the Game Boy. Sure, the screen was small and in black and white (or was it green?), but if you were a child of the 80s, this was as good as it got for portable gaming. Unless, of course, you could afford something more exotic like a Game Gear, Lynx, or TurboExpress. Then again, they didn’t have Super Mario World or Tetris.

Ilhan “Raz” Ünal was asked to replicate this iconic system for a Belgian chiptune festival called “Nintendoom.” He made this fully-grown Game Boy “to withstand a party with at least 500 visitors.” As Ünal describes it, “It’s basically a fully functional Game Boy which has a Raspberry Pi at the heard and a 21″ screen.”

With this build, he tried to stay true to the details of the original, as seen in pictures of the construction (abbreviated version below). He’s quick to credit FabLab Brussels with providing the equipment necessary to manufacture such a beautiful “upsizing” of the original DMX-01.

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The first trial of this beastly Game Boy is shown in the video below, followed by footage of it in use at the Nintendoom festival/party. It looks like it was a pretty crazy event, and this sculpture seems to fit in perfectly. It reminds me of the displays that could be seen in the early 90’s displaying a Game Boy game on a huge (for its time) screen above it.

Ünal is actually working on a couple of other Game Boy projects, including an even larger “Game Boy XXL” project, and even envisions making a rig that converts an original Game Boy’s output into a VGA or HDMI signal. Hopefully we’ll get to feature more cool stuff by him soon!

[via Hackaday]

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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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