There’s been a lot of buzz around the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, the miniaturized Raspberry Pi which was announced in April and will ship this summer. At Maker Faire Bay Area 2014, we had the chance to see a prototype for a product that uses the Compute Module. In the video above, Dave Rauchwerk of Next Thing Company in Oakland, CA showed us OTTO, the hackable GIF camera.
The camera synchronizes with your smartphone so that you can easily share the GIFs that you shoot. Or you can hack the camera to work just the way you want.
“What’s exciting about OTTO is that because it’s powered by the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, you can actually change all the software the runs inside it,” said Dave. “What you can do is log into the camera, run real code in Python or Node, or whatever you want.”
With 27 days to go, Next Thing Company is still short of their Kickstarter goal. Of course the camera is offered as a reward and is expected to ship at the end of 2014.