“Your Projects” is a column that features some of the awesome creations our readers have been making. These projects from our readers come from the MAKE Google+ Community and beyond.
On our Google+ page, the MIT Media Lab shared:
Day in the life of the Media Lab: Meet The Guard, a #Maker class project by student Sujoy Chowdhury: http://ow.ly/omfut
Kevin Lau created a much needed Shenzhen map for makers and electronics enthusiasts travelling to the Mecca of components. We can’t wait to see the final version!
Shenzhen is known as the Hollywood of Makers. And Huaqiangbei is a must-go place for visitors to Shenzhen. However, it’s not easy for visitors to find the related factories in Shenzhen. Huaqiangbei is like a huge maze to many. That’s why we make this Shenzhen Map for Makers, in the hope of helping you fully experience Shenzhen in a very short time.
It is made up of 2 main parts. One is the general information about the maker-related factories in different areas in Shenzhen and the cities near Shenzhen. The other is map of Huaqiangbei, including the featured products in different buildings and the peripheral information such as traffic, diners, shopping centers, accommodations etc.
This is the 1st version, and we’d love to improve and update it constantly. So it is open source also.We will create a wiki page(Will release it soon), hoping makers who are interested in this project add your recommendations, suggestions, share your ideas to make it better.
We love this community : )
Oh right!!
We will release the downloadable PDF file soon AND!! free to download : )
Peter Fröhlich made this Bitcoin miner using “four ASICminers controlled by a Raspberry Pi to get up to 1,3 GH/s – more then most GPU miners, who need 20x the power.” He also arranged them in an aesthetically pleasing way, creating a work of art whose only function is to make money. Chew on that for a bit!
Sjoerd Dirk Meijer shares this:
On my blog you can find detailed (photo) instructions on how to make a ShrimpKey – a MakeyMakey-substitute – for less than 10 USD!
Please let me know if you’re going to make one!
Like these projects? Be sure to sound off in the comments! Your project could be in next week’s column.