Whether you love robots, or believe they will rise up to destroy humanity in a techno-apocalypse, they are part of our world. Robots are already used heavily in manufacturing industries, and are increasingly finding their way into applications like surgery and healthcare, search and rescue, and entertainment. They’re appearing in our homes as toys, tools, and even companions.
Next week on Make:, we’re celebrating the rise of the robots, for better or for worse. Join us for five days of robot-related articles, pictures, videos, reviews and projects, from May 26th to the 30th. We’ve gathered a star-studded lineup of contributors from industry, academia, and the arts with their fingers on the pulse of modern robotics, plus a bunch of amazing hobbyists who just want to share what they do.
Here are a few names you may recognize:
- Angelica Lim, Ph.D (@petitegeek) — computer scientist and researcher specializing in A.I., robotics and emotion
- Mark W. Tilden — robotics physicist, inventor of BEAM robotics, and creator of the WowWee Robosapien
- Robert Beatty — spokesperson for Beatty Robotics, proponent of robotics-based homeschooling, and contract roboticist for light industry and education
- Grant Imahara (@grantimahara)— Mythbuster, BattleBots champion, and roboticist to the stars
To top it off, next week marks the official launch of Make: Volume 39 — Robotics, which drops on newsstands the 27th. Be sure to grab a copy at a retailer near you, or subscribe online right now and never miss another issue. And stay tuned in this space for Robot Week!