This Wednesday, at 8pm EDT, RadioShack CEO Dene Rogers and Chairman Robert Lavan will appear as special guests on Adafruit’s “Ask an Engineer” program. This will be a great opportunity for makers to hear what RadioShack is currently up to and to be able to ask questions of RadioShack brass.
With mission statements/tag lines like: “Your neighborhood technology resource — enabling consumers and Makers alike to find what they need to connect and power their lives. Est. 1921,” the Shack that’s back is definitely one that is marketing directly to the maker community. Tune in and hear what that means pragmatically. How is RadioShack doing overall? How many locations are still out there? Do they have plans to close more stores? Open more? What sorts of products are they currently developing? Do they have plans to do education and outreach through their stores?
Come and ask all of your pressing questions. Actually, you can post your questions here in the comments below. Phil Torrone of Adafruit says that they’ll check in to this post during the live stream and ask any questions of Dene and Robert that have been left here. So fire away!
The live feed will be here (8pm EDT, 8/17/2016). “Ask an Engineer” can also be viewed on Twitch and Facebook.
If you are not familiar with “Ask an Engineer,” it is Adafruit’s highly recommended, often highly entertaining weekly streaming show (every Wednesday at 8pm ET) which is sort of a variety show for engineering-minded makers. PT, Limor, other Adafruit employees, and guests demo projects and products, answer engineering and electronics questions, do giveaways, and generally nerd out over high-tech hardware hacking.
RadioShack used the opportunity of National Maker Faire this past June to let people know that the Shack is back and looking to better serve the maker community going forward. One of their reps, Brandon, talked briefly to Make:’s Marc de Vinck about what they’ve been up. And some of what’s in store.