Disney Imagineer James Durand, whose reproduction Mold-a-Rama machine I posted about on Tuesday, just e-mailed me this beautiful snapshot of a figurine cast from the one-off custom die he fabricated for his “Mini Molder” machine in preparation for its public world premiere at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014 this weekend.
The original Mold-a-Rama machine (and Durand’s re-imagining of it) use a blow-molding process, so the finished toys are hollow, which accounts for the translucency we see here. I don’t know how fast Durand’s machine can make these things, nor what his plans are for making them available this weekend, but I’m very much hoping for the chance to expand my Mold-a-Rama toys collection to include one of these bad boys.
[Thanks, James!]
You can check out Durand’s online “Mini Molder” build log at ashermade.com.
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