DiResta: Star Key

DiResta: Star Key

In each episode of DiResta (every other Wednesday at 2pm PT), artist and master builder Jimmy DiResta (Dirty Money, Hammered, Against the GrainTrash for Cash) lets us into his workshop, to look over his shoulder while he builds whatever strikes his fancy. On this episode of DiResta, Jimmy dives into another key project, this time fashioning a steam punk-looking key fob with old coins and three keys.–Stett Holbrook

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Drill press
Band saw
Disc sander
Table grinder with sander attachment

2 old coins
3 keys
3 rivets (copper nails)
1 chain

Jimmy’s Notes: I have been modifying my keys for 20 years. When I get new keys I have  the opportunity to design something new. In this case I just got a new front door key to my building. I have to buy it from the landlord because the key can not be duplicated. I  also collect old coins and foreign coins of all sizes , the bigger the better. I use them often to mod keys in fun and sexy ways. Here you can watch me make a new “star key” for my apartment. I use a simple method with copper nails as rivets. I drill through the coins and sandwich the keys in between. I have made five-points before and there is often clearance for the keys to spin. Here i make a three-point because it is all I need right now. Enjoy!

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Stett Holbrook is editor of the Bohemian, an alternative weekly in Santa Rosa, California. He is a former senior editor at Maker Media.

He is also the co-creator of Food Forward, a documentary TV series for PBS about the innovators and pioneers changing our food system.

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