For a look at some of the cosplayers who made it to DragonCon this year, it’s hard to beat this video that also touches on why these cosplayers love what they do so much.
We’ve never seen this before. And now that we have seen it, we can’t stop watching. Flexible metamaterials combined with clever design make this 3D printed latch and handle system work without needing a bunch of interconnected parts.

We got an in person look at Wazer’s desktop waterjet cutter. It’s the first of its kind as far as we know, and we’re pretty excited about it.
I'm amused by the comments that Wazer is just a pressure washer with abrasives. Maybe, but they built it first. And it works.
— Mike Senese (@msenese) September 15, 2016
Things are going to get a little spooky around here. To give you time to prep, we’re kicking off tons of Halloween goodies. This week, we got things started with a creepy Kirigami skill builder from Paper Dandy’s Horrorgami book. Expect to see old favorites from years past, and new projects and articles to get your inner ghost going. Check in on Mondays for costumes, Wednesdays for hi-tech Halloween, and Friday for crafts and decorations. Also keep your eye out for contests! We’ll be announcing weekly Instagram contests and project contests on our new community page on Hackster. Details will be coming soon!