From now until the awesomeness that is Maker Faire Austin, I’ll be highlighting projects that you can find at Travis County Fairgrounds on 10/18-19. Tickets here; see you there!
At least 3 different CNC projects worth seeing at Maker Faire in 10 days:
1. Nublabs’ fab lab:
nublabs is a smart-up in Boston who is working to set up a FabLab and community laboratory space, funded by socially-conscious engineering work. We’ve brought a FabLab–a computer controlled router, laser cutter, mini-mill, vinyl cutter, and EE bench–to Maker Faire to show Makers what the Fablab can do, tell them about the work that we’ve done, and help them to use the tools to make something on the premises.
2. Shopbot’s precision-cut awesomeness (video from last year’s Austin Make):
3. Buildyourcnc.com’s step-by-step CNC construction how-to, along with a finished machine:
And, a mysterious, little-detailed inkjet printer conversion.
Hope to see you in 10 days!