Victorian Watch Repair

Victorian Watch Repair


Renaissance man Tim Hunkin wrote an article in the latest issue of MAKE detailing his experiences getting his feet wet in vintage watch restoration. After inheriting from his aunt a nonworking Swiss pocketwatch from about 1800, he jumped headfirst into the miniscule world of pocketwatch repair. Read all about his adventures with escapements, springs, lube jobs, itty bitty screws, and catches in MAKE Vol. 33.

Tim reflects on what he gained from the experience:

Rather than owning a valuable watch that doesn’t do anything and that I don’t understand, I now own a slightly less valuable scratched watch, but I know what makes it tick.

Here are some pocketwatch images to whet your appetite.

[make_slideshow slug=”victorian-watch-repair” title=”Victorian Watch Repair” link=”Start the slideshow”]

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