7 Projects to Take Your Longboard Game to the Next Level

Craft & Design Woodworking Workshop

Longboards are a great subject for DIY enthusiasts. There is both an artistic style to it and potential everyday usefulness that can’t be found in all potential builds. You could just paint a deck (which can still be awesome), but these seven unusual longboard hacks should help you consider “out of the box” solutions for your next DIY skateboarding endeavour!

Longboard Brake

As this project’s creator puts it, longboarding downhill can be “like being on bike with no brakes.” To correct this, he came up with his own braking system using off-the-shelf and 3D-printed components. You can find more information on the build here.

Aluminum Longboard


If you’re tired of rolling around on a wooden board like mere mortals, this aluminum skateboard should set you apart. According to its instructables article, it’s fairly light at 4kg, and still has a wooden section for each of the trucks to attach to.

Laterally Slideable Board


This interesting design uses two extra wheels in order to allow the user to slide like a snowboarder. I can’t help thinking that I would end up on my face with something like this, but this concept does look fun when properly ridden!

PVC Skateboard Hanger


If you have a skateboard, you probably want to keep it off the floor. Here’s a simple solution using PVC pipe. Just drill, cut, and you have something to easily attach your board to when not in use.

Magnetic Skateboard Hanger


On the other hand, if you have access to a 3D-printer, this clever design allows one to display the deck’s artwork while hanging on the wall. Just place it in the correct spot, and Neodymium magnets take care of the rest!

DIY Longboard Deck


For instructions on how to build your own deck, look no further than this Make: article. Layers of wood are glued together, then formed with a hump in the middle. Finally, the board is painted with a rad design.

Simplest Longboard Ever?


Although one might rule this build out as silly and impractical, upon further inspection, a design like this might has some merit. If stain and grip tape were used, possibly with a recession for the trucks and a formed nose an tail, this might be a passable build for relatively little effort!


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Jeremy is an engineer with 10 years experience at his full-time profession, and has a BSME from Clemson University. Outside of work he’s an avid maker and experimenter, building anything that comes into his mind!

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