This Packable Classroom Built by Kids Could Help Disaster Relief - Make: This Packable Classroom Built by Kids Could Help Disaster Relief - Make:

This Packable Classroom Built by Kids Could Help Disaster Relief

Craft & Design Home Woodworking Workshop
This Packable Classroom Built by Kids Could Help Disaster Relief

As part of Shruthik Musukula’s class at Valley Christian Junior High, he and his classmates built this foldable room for disaster preparedness. It can act like a bedroom, complete with fold-up desk and fold-down bed, and packs small for easy shipping. The key is in the hinges and triangular pieces, which allow it to collapse in on itself, like an origami fortune teller.

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Nathan Hurst is an editor at Make. He loves anything having to do with science or bicycling. He tweets as @nathanbhurst.

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