When Maker Faire started, there was no such thing as a maker on YouTube. Over the years, that’s changed, and it’s changed a lot. There are people who work full-time making things and producing videos on YouTube about it. Some of these people have more subscribers than us!
This year, for the first time, we’ve set aside space and time for these incredible makers to talk and hang out with fans. Check our schedule for the DIY Creators Stage.
Here are a few highlights to get you excited:
I Like to Make Stuff – Sunday 1:00 PM
Bob likes to make all sorts of stuff with all sorts of materials. His projects include woodworking, metalworking, electronics, 3D printing, prop making, and more! He loves to use his videos to teach, inspire, and empower others to make the stuff that they want to have.
ElectroBOOM – Saturday 12:00 Noon
In this cringe-worthy presentation of electronics, you will learn a few things about electrocution: What is more dangerous, current or voltage? Can one be electrocuted in water? Is AC or DC electricity more dangerous? Just don’t get too close to the presenter, Mehdi Sadaghdar.
Makers Gonna Break – Saturday 2:30 PM
Estefannie Explains it All, William Osman, and Robert Wolff will discuss how making mistakes and breaking things are part of making.
Embracing Material Chaos For Us Mere Mortals – Saturday 3:30 PM
Steve Ramsey and Peter Brown talk with one of our editors about embracing the chaos that can happen in the workshop
Laura Kampf – Sunday 3:00 PM
Artist/Designer/Maker and Content Creator Laura Kampf will sit down for a conversation with one of our Make: magazine editors. She’ll be speaking about her passion for making stuff and continuing to learn and develop her skills.
Winston Moy, Joel Telling, and Clare Mason – Saturday 4:30 PM
Winston Moy, Joel Telling, and Clare Mason will discuss 3D printing, design, and so much more with a Make: magazine editor.
Making Geeks 100th podcast – Saturday 11:00 AM
Join the Making Geeks crew for a live recording of their 100th episode!
Evolve from Hand Making to Using Machines – Sunday 2:00 PM
Join Giacomo Di Muro and a surprise special guest in a conversation with one of our Make: magazine editors. Enjoy learning the process of evolving from more traditional forms of hand making to current DigFab processes!
Making Your Projects Pop On Video – Sunday 12:00 Noon
Paige, Mike, Josh, and Jonathan (Instructables) join Shawn (SparkFun) to share their secrets for producing the best type of video to help you showcase your project, tutorial, or maker story.
Of course, just having this new lineup doesn’t mean that maker celebrities aren’t scattered throughout the rest of the faire.
For example, here are two crowd pleasers you are not going to want to miss.
Simone Giertz and Laura Kampf in conversation with Mark Frauenfelder – Center Stage – Saturday 4:45 PM
Note: Due to Simone’s most recent news, we do not know if she will be attending. We hope she’s up for it, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Join Simone Giertz and Laura Kampf in conversation with Boing Boing’s Mark Frauenfelder to discuss creating content and creative processes.
Adam Savage – location ? – Sunday at 12:00 Noon
Adam will be delivering a speech at a mystery location on Sunday. You’ll just have to be there to find out where he’ll be!
These are just the pieces that I already know about and am excited to see. There’s usually a surprise or two as well. Be sure to get your tickets soon so you don’t miss out!
Maker Faire Bay Area 2018 is going to be held in San Mateo on May 18-20.