
Macromedia and Adobe

Macromedia and Adobe

macr.gifWOW. This news just broke at midnight! The tools that most of us use in one way or another to make stuff are about to be from one company. Adobe announced they’re going to buy up Macromedia. I’m excited and curious about what’s going to happen, the little vector hamsters in my head are thinking of all the interesting things that this means for content creation, mobile devices and publishing! Make friend Mike Chambers from Macromedia has a post on this too.

TI-Calculator upclocking

TI-Calculator upclocking

calc.jpgBecause you can… here’s a site devoted to overclocking Texas Instruments graphing calculators. The TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92,a nd TI-92 Plus can be “accelerated”. The 81, 85 and 86 can be accelerated to approximately 2-3x their normal speed, about 18 MHz. The TI-82 and TI-83 can also be accelerated to about 1.5-2x normal speed. They only about double their speed to around 12 MHz. The TI-89 and 92 can be accelerated to around 20 MHz! Thanks Jeremy!

Pay phone looking cell phone mod

Pay phone looking cell phone mod

phone.jpgHere’s a great cell phone mod from bernardroth’s Flickr page. It’s a standard looking payphone headset with metal cable converted to be a headset for a cell phone. I’m going to see where and if you can buy these…ya know, I had heard that many phone companies are removing pay phones, I wonder what they do with them. If I can score a phone handset, I think I could make an app for my Pocket PC phone to only dial phone numbers if I use my old redbox.

GPS and heart rate publishing

GPS and heart rate publishing

I have a hard time exercising unless there’s some type of cool technology involved. jnielsen posted his heart rate and GPS info from the Ironman Arizona triathlon race. “I used my Garim 301 for the entire race and loaded it up to The GPS has the distance almost dead on. Check it out – but no cracking on my time:) It’s a pretty cool tool – I actually swam a pretty straight line!”. Links to the individual maps and data here.

Tablet PC inking in forums

Tablet PC inking in forums

tablet.jpgMicrosoft’s Channel9 site now allows Tablet PC users to use ink in their forums now. Here’s my post (View image) with some ink from my Tablet. I really like the idea of some type of easy to implement system so more comment systems could allow ink from Tablet PCs, Wacom devices and PDAs. Oh course I’d really like to figure out a way to ink up my photos on Flickr. Update: Here is the first ever comment spam in ink!!