Maker Pro News: Urban-X Reboots, Powered Exoskeletons, the Future of Food, and More
Classic story: an ambitious crowdfunding campaign goes viral and racks up millions, but backers grow anxious when the product never ships.
If you’re a maker, 3d printing is an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenal. Not only can it help bring your projects to life faster, but it can also offer unique results that would be difficult (or impossible!) to achieve with traditional methods. In these blog posts, we’ll provide you with some essential information and tips regarding 3D printing for makers—including the basics of how to get started, plus creative tutorials for spicing up your projects. Whether you’re already familiar with 3d printing or are just starting out, these resources will help take your game-making skills even further!
Classic story: an ambitious crowdfunding campaign goes viral and racks up millions, but backers grow anxious when the product never ships.
Today at their own Digital Factory Conference in Boston, MA, Formlabs announced two new products that will continue to cement their role for professional makers.
We return with Filament Friday with M3D’s Tough Ink.
This week saw the Make: team in recovery mode. Maker Faire wiped us out. Didn’t stop a lot of other makers from doing cool stuff though.
The monoFab SRM-20, boasts accuracy comparable to other manufacturers. However, the user experience is where the machine truly excels.
Without question, the costs for mass manufacturing are the most critical expenses when bringing a new hardware product to market.
This DLP-based resin machine may not be aesthetically pleasing to look at, but it creates beautiful results for an affordable price.