Homemade humane mousetraps
Here are tons of ways to catch mice without killing them – the site also has a lot of videos of how the traps work with mouse assistants testing them – Thanks BF! Link.
The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for bikes, rockets, R/C vehicles, toys and other diversions.
Here are tons of ways to catch mice without killing them – the site also has a lot of videos of how the traps work with mouse assistants testing them – Thanks BF! Link.
Soakermedia has a really impressive water balloon launcher made from PVC – “Want to shoot an object at 140 MPH over 500ft? Then this launcher is for you! This article will teach you how to build one of the cheapest, easiest, and most powerful water balloon launchers ever invented. The launcher will shoot anything from […]
Joedog86’s Instructable on an under $100 photo frame – “I basically made this as a birthday present for my girlfriend. Looking for an awesome gift idea? This is it! Total cost was under $100, and could be substantially less if you’re savvy. I know I’m not the first one to come up with the idea […]
How to do boring tasks, or why robot-run dystopias can be fun.
Win your roommate’s sock full of quarters, and other puzzles.
Pulling the strings at the Berkeley Kite Festival.
David writes – “Here’s my first attempt at making something with the Lego Mindstorms package: a scanning machine that reads the colors of the bricks that are put into it and that translates those colors into sound.” – Link.