Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!


BotFactory Wins 2015 MakerCon Launch Pad Competition

MakerCon’s Launch Pad competition culminated Tuesday in a grand prize awarded to Brooklyn-based startup BotFactory and their desktop circuit printer Squink. With Squink, BotFactory is hoping to simplify and streamline electronic prototyping by offering a single machine capable of printing circuit traces with conductive ink and gluing, picking, and placing small surface mount components automatically. […]

FUBAR 1’s Race to Maker Faire

FUBAR 1’s Race to Maker Faire

With all of the bigger picture focus and flurry of activity around getting a Maker Faire together, it might be easy to forget that there are hundreds of smaller, but no less passionate organizational dramas going on, of countless late-night planning sessions, fundraising efforts, project builds, frantic last-minute organizing, packing, and travel, and everything else […]

MakerCon Launches into Orbit

MakerCon Launches into Orbit

MakerCon has kicked off in our new, absolutely gorgeous location at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Eager attendees are gathered to talk about the professional side of Making, from funding to marketing and manufacturing. The ideas shared here today will be building the startups of tomorrow and launching products that you’ll see […]