Pinball Restoration Revival
Wormhole players and collectors come together around pinball tournaments and keeping machines running. See the finer points of pinball restoration.
repairing broken technology is extremely important. It is imperative that we learn to repair and fix things that are broken so we can keep as much of our technology out of the landfill as possible.
Wormhole players and collectors come together around pinball tournaments and keeping machines running. See the finer points of pinball restoration.
iFixit’s new FixHub Power Series empowers makers to solder on-the-go.
A Conversation With Jude Pullen Trying to repair almost anything can be a frustrating exercise. Repair is made more difficult by the way devices are designed and the ability to repair a device could be improved greatly if different design decisions were made. This moment in time demands a new generation of designers, engineers, and makers […]
For years, we’ve been fighting for your right to fix your stuff, and it’s finally paying off. In a move that’s tantamount to the Berlin Wall of tech monopolies crumbling, Apple has officially endorsed California’s Right to Repair Bill, SB 244. A Long Time Coming The iFixit team and an incredible coalition has spent the […]
Fixing broken things was just a normal part of my family life. I was born in New York City and was raised in New Jersey in a home with lots of tools, a garage, a basement workshop, and a backyard. My father was a Depression-era baby who grew up with a sense of frugality. He […]
For years, my organization, U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group), has been campaigning with iFixit,, and a plucky team of repair shops, makers, and hackers to pass laws that guarantee access to what people need to fix modern gizmos, specifically the parts, tools, and service information. We’ve had “right to repair” bills in 40 of 50 […]
I often describe Fixit Clinic as “a hobby that’s gotten way out of control.” We held the first Fixit Clinic in 2009 as a modest experiment to make basic tools and specialty tools available so attendees could disassemble, troubleshoot and — hopefully — repair common consumer items: to take apart appliances and electronics, mend fabric and […]