Search Results for: paper airplane

61 - 80 of 138 results

Ideas for Traveling with Kids


My first idea for traveling by airplane with children involves a kindly mother or mother-in-law, whom your children adore, and...

Welcome, Martha fans!

Welcome, Martha fans!


[Photo: Anders Krusberg/The Martha Stewart Show] If you’re coming to our site after having seen MAKE’s Editor-in-Chief Mark Frauenfelder on...

Welcome Nightline viewers!

Welcome Nightline viewers!


If you’re coming to our website after seeing the ABC News Nightline episode, welcome! We know Nightline viewers are a...

Materials: sheet goods

Materials: sheet goods


We all need materials to make things with, right? Well here is a basic list of a lot of the...

Wooden hydraulic power kits

Wooden hydraulic power kits


@The NYC Toy fair 2008 there are some toy makers that are doing new things, White Wings is traditionally known...

Ruffles flyer

Ruffles flyer


Wonko writes – I made this at lunch time today from the bag that held my potato chips and the...

Cy Tymony and his "Sneaky" books

The Sneaky DIY of Cy Tymony


Cy Tymony is well known as the author of “Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things” and “Sneaky Math” and he’s written for...

Kiddy Copter

Kiddy Copter – A Family Affair


In Make:V76, Mike Senese wrote an article, titled “Flight Trainer,” in our Made on Earth section. It was about the...

Across The Sea, Eventually

Across The Sea, Eventually


What began as a joke between college kids quickly morphed into a challenge, an obsession, and years later, careers in the...

61 - 80 of 138 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.