
Introductory Circuit Design Process using Freeduino

Introductory Circuit Design Process using Freeduino

This project will cover the basic use of CadSoft’s Eagle freeware. We will be exporting from Eagle to the DXF file format which is readable using Adobe Illustrator. From there, we will take separate exports to show the overall sequence events involved in desiging the board. But first we start with the board layout.

Pixelmusic 3000

Pixelmusic 3000

In 1976, Atari introduced Atari Video Music, a plugged-in music visualizer designed by Pong creator Bob Brown that bridged the yawning gap between consumers’ stereos and their TV sets. The quirky, psychedelic pixelation device never caught on, but watching it in action today (check it out on YouTube), one is taken back to another time, […]