Conductor with 4-snaps # 6SC 04

Laser Tripwire and Alarm Using Snap Circuits

Laser Tripwire and Alarm Using Snap Circuits

In this article you will learn how to build a laser tripwire and alarm out of Snap Circuits. You will build two circuits: the laser tripwire circuit and the alarm circuit. The alarm is a very simple two-transistor oscillator that is switched on by the relay in the laser tripwire circuit. Once you have built […]

Introduction to Electronics: The 555 Timer Integrated Circuit (IC)

Introduction to Electronics: The 555 Timer Integrated Circuit (IC)

In this article, you will learn how to improve your collection of Snap Circuits blocks by adding a 555 Timer IC. You will learn the functions the pins on the 555 chip. You will learn that when the 555 is in astable mode, the output of pin 3 is a continuous stream of pulses called […]