Velcro tape



Our client was an individual with multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that targets the covering on the axons of neurons, damaging connections to the brain and spinal cord. Our client uses a wheelchair as a form of mobilization around the room. For assistance purposes, it is necessary to have some sort of system for the […]

DeskLights 2.0

DeskLights 2.0

The desk receives event notifications over the network and alters its color and pattern to provide those notifications to the user. The combination of color and location can be used to communicate a wide variety of information. Simple flashes of different colors inform me of new e-mail, phone, or chat messages. It is also possible […]

Covert Listening Book

Covert Listening Book

Connect a shirt pocket “amplified listener” hearing aid with an in-car FM transmitter, and you’ve got a wireless bug. Tuck them inside a hollowed-out book with the mic concealed by the dust cover, and you’ve got a covert listening device that you can leave lying around or on a shelf near a surveillance target. Then […]


$10 Drawdio

These instructions will teach anyone that reads these how to make a drawdio with spare parts. It will cost $0-10 to make this little noisemaker. All of the parts can be obtained at RadioShack or any old electronics.

Solar TV Remote

Solar TV Remote

Powering a TV remote with the sun means you won’t have to buy batteries every six months to surf from your sofa. Low-voltage devices that use power only occasionally, like remotes, are good candidates for a solar-powered trickle-charge. Here’s how we modded our remote to live off of the sun, using rechargeable batteries connected in parallel with a small solar cell and a diode to keep any power from trickling back out.

The Truth Meter

The Truth Meter

By Sean M. Montgomery and Ira M. Laefsky Excerpted from a Primer on Biosensing in MAKE Volume 26. When you experience an arousing stimulus, like an evocative question, a startling noise, or even a disturbing thought, your body generates a variety of psychophysical responses. One of these is micro-pulses of sweat released after a 1- […]