with nuts and washers

Build a Cordless Drill Powered Go-Kart

Build a Cordless Drill Powered Go-Kart

Educator and Make: author Gever Tulley helps kids build their own drill-powered go-karts at his Tinkering School in Montara, Calif., using small welded frames, bike parts, and cheap corded drills. We asked him to build a version for Make:, but we wanted it to be large and powerful enough to carry an adult driver, and we wanted […]

Gigantic Bubble Generator

Gigantic Bubble Generator

When I read the Geekcon 2010 call for projects, I thought, what the hack — I’ll do it. Inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I decided to let creativity into my life, and start inventing things. I watched Sterling Johnson’s magnificent “Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles” clip on YouTube, and when I described it to […]

Pole-Mounted Aerial Photography Rig

Pole-Mounted Aerial Photography Rig

Sometimes nothing is as important as perspective. My goal in photography is often to find a view no one else has found, to be able to see things from unusual and insightful vantage points. The most practical way to obtain the elusive aerial perspective is by attaching a camera to a mast. While not trivial, […]