ModULO is ready for action… are you?

I have a notebook by my bedside… when ideas come, I reach over and scribble them down. Every once in a while, I wake up in the morning and marvel at the great ideas that come to me in the wee hours of the night. Most of the time, I find drawings that make no sense or incoherent sentences. This robot required a little deciphering, but turned out okay.

ModULO’s home is on Tinkercad, where you can modify him to your heart’s content. When you’re ready, export and print your parts, and let’s get to assembly!


And here is a Github repository with software and circuit diagrams.



This week marks the official launch of Make: Volume 39 — Robotics, which drops on newsstands the 27th. Be sure to grab a copy at a retailer near you, or subscribe online right now and never miss another issue.

We are celebrating with five days of robot-related articles, pictures, videos, reviews and projects. Tune into this space for Robot Week!

Our next theme week will be wearable electronics. Send us your tips or contributions before it gets here by dropping a line to


Project Steps


Spontaneous geometric deconstruction… break your idea down into basic geometric shapes.

Choose colors that match your personality.

Weak intersection points can be strengthened by adding a little bulk (third picture).


Assemble your LED matrix and glue it into place.

Glue the antenna bits to the head with a little Beacon 3-in-1 glue.

Use a screw to secure the head to the neck.


Assembly for the shoulder is straight forward – two plastic pieces, a screw, and a nut; make it tight!

Elbows use rivets which are easy to construct out of scrap filament.

1/4 X 1/4 inch magnets in the wrist and 1/4 X 1/16 inch magnets in the hand.

Super glue will hold the magnets in place.


Warm a small segment of filament with a torch or lighter and press against a clean and dry surface to round the end.

Rivets are used to secure the legs and arms.

You can even substitute rivets for most of the screws and nuts.


Glue all the body parts together with Beacons 3-in-1.

Attach the head to the body with neck clip.

And… add your footies!


Trinket is easy, awesome, and inexpensive to use.

All the electronics bundle-up and fit in the body – ready to take on those evil ninja monster ballerinas!