
Meet the Blinkybugs

Meet the Blinkybugs

Img 2076 Obeyken writes “Electronic / kinetic bug art. I build these small, insect-like sculptures with simple motion-detecting “antennae” that respond to various stimulus such as movement, vibration, or air currents. When picked up, handled, or otherwise stimulated, the bug comes to life as its LED eyes blink rhythmically. I have one sitting on my monitor right now that blinks as I type. They’re constructed from LEDs, bits of wire, guitar strings, and coin-cell batteries (the PCB battery holder is the bug’s “body”). My original plan was to deploy them throughout San Francisco as a sort of “electronic graffiti” but thus far they haven’t survived too long in the wild…” Link. You could also make your own, the design is the how-to.

More wall art made from book text…

More wall art made from book text…

9Ee75413Ca3799C7A4Eafde9.ThumbMcWhizzleteeth has a follow up how-to on making two-tone text for wall posters made from the text of books – “The “Origin of the Species – wall hanging” project makes a nice use of opacity masks in Illustrator, embedding an image in a field of text by changing the opacity throughout. But pulling this off can be difficult to figure out. This guide will run you through the steps to embed an image in a field of text merely by changing the opacity of the text itself.” Link.

The Pong Clock

The Pong Clock

195577 ThumbIt wouldn’t be too hard to make your own pong clock (software app / Macromedia Flash) and put that on a LCD picture frame… “The dutch design company Buro Vormkrijgers has designed a clock which uses the popular videogame Pong to show the time. A random game of Pong is played, and when it’s time to change minutes or hours, one of the two sides will score, thus changing the score and the time. This has got to be one of the most inventive ways of using Pong ever!” There is video in download archives, showing how the clock works in real time. [via] Link.

Warning Label Generator

Warning Label Generator

Ansi-WarningHere’s a pretty fun site that lets you generate your own warning labels with choice of graphics and text. You can make DANGER, WARNING and other types all with the familiar icons you’d expect. Fun for project and pranks. I might make a set of these and slap on products that have wacky DRM, like those Sony CDs. Link.

360 degree holograms

360Shawn writes “Rhode Island artist Neil Salley makes interesting installations using his own home grown technologies for creating 360 degree-viewable holograms. Be sure to look at his TVD 360 degree TV prototype. I wish there was more on the site about the technical details- all of his inventions and pieces are refreshingly simple and low tech.” Link.