Maker Faire Cairo Brings History, Youth, and Battling Bots
The spirit of the event, and of the entire city, was highly infectious and sets a great example of what a wonderful presence makers have on an international stage.
The spirit of the event, and of the entire city, was highly infectious and sets a great example of what a wonderful presence makers have on an international stage.
Maker Faire Cairo brought 11,000 attendees, mostly college-aged, together in a celebration of traditional and high tech craft, cosplay, creation, and fun.
This past we were awed by Maker kids, learned how to make a cheap crossbow, and considered a career change.
This past week we went to Cairo for an amazing Maker Faire, learned what a pulse oximeter was, played with crayons, and more!
Maker Faire Cairo is the first featured Maker Faire in the Arab world, and promises to be an exciting event for Makers.
Makerspaces play a big role in fostering community. Cairo Hackerspace was recently shut down, but co-founder Tarek Omar remains optimistic.