
This Week In Craft Fairs

Here are the upcoming craft fairs and calls for vendors. Click on the jump to see East Coast and international calls for vendors. Coming Up This Weekend: Whiskey(flea)Mart Santa Rosa, CA Saturday, Mar. 27, 9am – 4pm Crazy Crafty Cool 2010 Congers, NY Saturday, Mar. 27, 11am – 5pm Odd Duck Handmade Bazaar Davie, FL […]

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This Week In Craft Fairs

Hppy St Ptrck’s Dy! I hope you’re wearing green! I actually made it out to my car this morning in an outfit devoid of any green, and then the little girl down the street ran up to talk to me, and I realized what day it was. She was all decked out in various shades […]

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This Week In Craft Fairs

Upcoming craft fairs! Please add any you know of to our calendar, and if you have a call for entries you want listed in this weekly post. Call for entries is after the jump! Coming Up This Weekend: The Pink Parlour Festival 2010 Arcadia, CA Sunday, Mar. 14, 11am – 6pm 32nd Annual Dollhouse Miniature […]

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Maker Faire Detroit 2010

Maker Faire Detroit 2010

Last summer, after our Maker Faire in the Bay Area, I had a couple of speaking engagements in the Detroit area. One was at a Go Tech meeting in Ann Arbor, at the A2 MechShop. I had many people asking about a Maker Faire in Detroit and insisting that it would mean a lot to […]

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This Week In Craft Fairs

Wow! There’s a lot of craft fairs this weekend. Here’s some of them. If you have an event you want listed, please add it to our online calendar. If you have a call for entries you want me to include, . Click on the jump to see the call for entries. Coming Up This Weekend: […]

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Mother Nature’s Detroit Art

A series of photos by James D. Griffioen, on the Planet Mag website, show the “greening” of Motor City, what used to be one of the country’s biggest production centers. In the light of the Moss Graffiti tutorial and the grassy 3D painting piece we saw in the last couple of weeks, this struck me […]

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