2,080 Nintendo games on eBay…
That is a lot of games…There are 1313 NES games (82 boxed and 54 complete), 530 SNES games (38 boxed and 27 complete), and 237 N64 games (10 complete and 8 boxed). That comes out to somewhere around 2,080 games!!! They are all listed below but I’ll highlight a few of the more valuable ones. NES: Blackjack, Chubby Cherub, Castle of Deceit, Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy, King Neptune’s Adventure, Ms Pac-Man (tengen), Ms. Pac-Man (namco), Nobunaga’s Ambition 2, North & South, Panic Restaurant, 2 Princess Tomato, and Tagin’ Dragon. SNES: 3 Chrono Trigger, 4 Earth Bound, 2 E.V.O., Final Fantasy 2, 2 Final Fantasy 3, 2 Final Fight 3, Final Fight Guy, King of Dragons, 2 Lemmings 2, 2 Mega Man X2, Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Ogre Battle, 2 Secret of Mana, and 3 Super Mario RPG. N64: 2 Dr. Mario, Harvest Moon, 2 Kirby the Crystal Shards, and Ogre Battle. Link.