
2,080 Nintendo games on eBay…

99 1 B That is a lot of games…There are 1313 NES games (82 boxed and 54 complete), 530 SNES games (38 boxed and 27 complete), and 237 N64 games (10 complete and 8 boxed). That comes out to somewhere around 2,080 games!!! They are all listed below but I’ll highlight a few of the more valuable ones. NES: Blackjack, Chubby Cherub, Castle of Deceit, Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy, King Neptune’s Adventure, Ms Pac-Man (tengen), Ms. Pac-Man (namco), Nobunaga’s Ambition 2, North & South, Panic Restaurant, 2 Princess Tomato, and Tagin’ Dragon. SNES: 3 Chrono Trigger, 4 Earth Bound, 2 E.V.O., Final Fantasy 2, 2 Final Fantasy 3, 2 Final Fight 3, Final Fight Guy, King of Dragons, 2 Lemmings 2, 2 Mega Man X2, Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Ogre Battle, 2 Secret of Mana, and 3 Super Mario RPG. N64: 2 Dr. Mario, Harvest Moon, 2 Kirby the Crystal Shards, and Ogre Battle. Link.

Instant Labeling Tape

Instant Labeling Tape

Tape Large Very clever…simple, customisable, do-it-yourself signage system. By “blacking out” elements of a 14-segment display font on the tape, all you need is a black permanent pen to create your own temporary signs, labels and installations. Think moving house and labelling boxes, putting up official-looking signs or teaching your kids how to make letters. [via] Link.

Easy mount speakers

Easy mount speakers

Spaceradded Mike writes “Many people may already be aware of this mounting method. It is very old, but very useful as well. It is cheap, easy to do and very strong. I post it here for the newbie that has yet to get into the do-it-yourself scene in hopes that it may inspire them to get some power tools and make something. Something as simple as mounting your surrounds with a mount you made could be just the spark they need to begin an adventure into the wonderful world of do-it-yourself”. Link.