
Jeri Ellsworth Unveils Augmented Reality CastAR at Maker Faire

Jeri Ellsworth Unveils Augmented Reality CastAR at Maker Faire

Jeri Ellsworth and Rick Johnson and formed the company Technical Illusions to launch a new product that brings augmented reality to you via a pair of high-tech glasses. The product, called CastAR, was unveiled at Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend. Unlike systems that try to close you off from the real world while immersing you in the virtual, CastAR allows you to continue to see in front and around you. The real is mixed with the virtual: augmented reality.

“If You Come, We Will Build It” – Crowdsourcing Hardware Ideas

“If You Come, We Will Build It” – Crowdsourcing Hardware Ideas

Ouya is a new kind of game console for the television. It is open and allows any creator to develop games. Ouya’s Tim DaRosa will be at the Hardware Innovation Workshop (May14-15) talking about how they got started. Central to their development process was getting feedback and suggestions from backers, partners, and the media about their console. Tweaks and improvements such as adding an Ethernet port, renaming of the buttons, and changing the cross-style control pad were all products of this process.

Gesture Tracking without a Kinect

Gesture Tracking without a Kinect

We’re all familiar with wildly waving your arms in front of a Kinect to control an on-screen avatar, but the special hardware required ultimately limits the reach of this technology. But webcams are now built into nearly every laptop and mobile device on the market. What if you could wave your arms in front of your iPad to play your favorite motion control games?