
Converting a generator to run on propane

Converting a generator to run on propane

This Instructable is interesting because it lets you run a gas generator on propane and also might serve as an introduction to adapting fuel inputs more broadly. Anyone know whether this would work as-is with methane instead of propane?

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Scavenging motors from washing machines

Scavenging motors from washing machines

Here’s a useful tutorial on how to harvest a motor from a waching machine, including a section on how to use bridge rectifiers to produce DC from an AC motor. Supposedly these are ideal for driving wind generators, so check out your wind exposure, make an inexpensive generator, and start charging some batteries! (via hack […]

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Prius as emergency generator

Prius as emergency generator

Chad sends this on how John Sweeney survived the recent bad patch of weather in the Northeast by using his hybrid car to power many devices in his house. During an ice storm last week Sweeney, of Harvard, Mass., powered his house by hooking it up to his Toyota Prius. The Prius, a hybrid vehicle, […]

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Retro Rastro treadmill

Retro Rastro treadmill

Dale Dougherty, editor and publisher of MAKE and CRAFT, is on the road this week and writes: On a visit today to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, I got a quick tour of the collections, a place where objects not in active use are stored. One thing caught my attention: a wooden […]

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