Unlocking Circuits the Maker Way
Use simple woodworking skills and hardware-store cleverness to create a three-dial safe that can only be opened with your secret electronic combination.
Use simple woodworking skills and hardware-store cleverness to create a three-dial safe that can only be opened with your secret electronic combination.
Combine a webcam with real-time computer vision software OpenCV to automate messages to your makerspace whenever dishes pile up.
A simple three-switch effects looper for the BeagleBone Black built with open source software.
Track all the bits and bytes that pass over a network connection. Convert that signal to blinking lights on a tricolor LED strip.
Now is your chance to win a Make: it Robotics Starter Kit! Read more to learn how.
Have a BeagleBone Black? Here are a few project ideas you might want to consider building.
The LDR Synth is a light-to-sound noisemaker built with relatively common components. Build it on a breadboard, follow our perfboard design, or come up with your own permanent circuit layout. We’ll show you how-to with Weekend Projects!