
14 Year Old Builds Communication Device for Brain-Injured Friend

Try not to get anything in your eye as you hear this moving story of a teen helping an injured friend communicate with the world again.

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Getting Started with VR: Tools and Materials for Creating Custom Interfaces

Getting Started with VR: Tools and Materials for Creating Custom Interfaces

With virtual reality you can really get wild with your game interfaces. Spaceship control panels? Easy. An actual parachute harness? Awesome.

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Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials

Using a variety of low- and high-tech components, we’ll show you how to build A Touchless 3D Tracking Interface.

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Minority Report-style web surfing with Kinect

Minority Report-style web surfing with Kinect

It’s amazing to see all the fantastic Kinect demos popping up everywhere. Just goes to show you that people will go out of their way to do fun things with a product if it’s truly innovative. Take, for instance, this demo from MIT Media Lab’s Fluid Interfaces Group who’ve created a Chrome browser extension, called DepthJS, that uses a gesture interface to control a standard web browser using a Microsoft Kinect controller. If you view the accompanying video I’m sure you’ll agree that the effect is strikingly similar to the touch-free UI from the movie Minority Report. I’m not sure if it’s the most efficient method to interface with a browser, but I think it has to be one of the coolest

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