
Taking Apart the Microsoft Kinect (video)

Taking Apart the Microsoft Kinect… The Microsoft Kinect is the first consumer product that lets people control an interface using gesture and voice alone. An add-on for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video-game console, the sensor-packed device can determine your position and interpret vocal commands, all without requiring you to hold any special controllers or wear special […]

Kinect 3D holographic video chat

Kinect 3D holographic video chat

Kinect hacker Oliver Kreylos and pals are using a couple of Microsoft Kinect 3D game controllers and custom software to enable 3D holographic video chat. Their setup differs from traditional 3D video in that the participant is captured and mapped in real-time allowing others to view them from any angle in 3D. One fortuitous outcome of this experiment is the ability to clearly identify the line of sight of the other participant.

OpenKinect-powered virtual floor piano

Or desk piano, for that matter. No actual keyboard required. Gotta say, choosing Thelonious Monk or whomever that is riffing away on the soundtrack is a bit disingenuous, as the virtual keyboards shown in the infrared footage don’t even have semitone keys. According to YouTuber petermmoz’s first comment, however, the software does actually include the “black” keys; they’ve just turned them off to make it easier for beginners to play. [via Boing Boing]

Kinect air guitar

Chris O’Shea emailed in with his super sweet Kinect hack, allowing him to play air guitar! Written in c++ using openFrameworks and openCV for image processing. Using the ofxKinect addon and the libfreenect driver on Mac. Thank you to the openframeworks and openkinect communities for enabling this to happen. A big thank you to Microsoft […]