Prepare for Repairs with the Ultimate Electronics Field Kit
When you’re out and about and you need to fix electronics on the fly, what should you be carrying in your field kit?
When you’re out and about and you need to fix electronics on the fly, what should you be carrying in your field kit?
These young Egyptian innovators are embracing technology and maker culture despite — or because of — political challenges.
Chefs are experimenting, obsessing, reiterating, and expanding on possibilities in the kitchen. Not so different from the maker movement.
Outdated circuit boards become imposing sarcophagi and ancient-looking monuments in the hands of artist Theo Kamecke.
Matt “Circuitbeard” Brailsford is the creator of this 80’s inspired “cocktail table” retro graming center.
The Green Bronx Machine is about more than growing food… it’s about growing minds!
3D Printing food could make for some interesting cuisine innovations in the future. There’s a few options to get you “cooking” now.