
The Makers Nation Shares Data from 100 Makerspaces (and You Can Participate, Too!)

The Makers Nation Shares Data from 100 Makerspaces (and You Can Participate, Too!)

Makerspaces are essential to the maker community. The Makers Nation is gathering data to try and better understand common issues.

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Faraday Motion: Electric Longboard Company, Apartment Makerspace, Tinkerers Paradise

Faraday Motion: Electric Longboard Company, Apartment Makerspace, Tinkerers Paradise

Faraday Motion is a small business with the soul of a makerspace. Backed by a community of Makers, they’re perfecting electric skateboards.

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Dr. Brassy Wants to Keep an Eye on You

Dr. Brassy Wants to Keep an Eye on You

One of the defining tropes of the steampunk community is that the term is allowed to mean whatever you want it to mean. Steampunk is that strange place where costuming and subculture overlap and intermingle. Dr. Brassy Steamington, occasionally referred to as Kimberlee McDermott, has been a punk since the term was coined—long before it found footing in the American lexicon.

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