
Maker Faire: X1 electric car does 0-100mph in 6.8s

Maker Faire: X1 electric car does 0-100mph in 6.8s

Come check out two amazing electric cars that will be at Maker Faire!, speeding in to the future! Here’s a snippet from the project description by Rich Hilleman and Ian Wright: Electric cars do not have to be heavy, ugly, and slow. The Wrightspeed X1 weighs only 1536 lbs, and has beaten some of the […]

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Maker Faire: Tom Zimmerman and his DIY video microscope for backyard biology

Rotifers are strange little animals that live in pond water. A type of planknton, they munch on algae, clone themselves, and only give birth to females unless they’re stressed. Rotifers make great pets, but you need a powerful microscope to look at them. At the upcoming Maker Faire, Tom Zimmerman will show how to hack […]

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Maker Faire – Invitation to all: Participate in the King of Fling catapult contest!

Maker Faire – Invitation to all: Participate in the King of Fling catapult contest!

If you like to build things (and what Maker doesn’t?) you can become the Count of Catapults, the Earl of Hurl, or the Baroness of Ballistas. Announcing the King of Fling Catapult Contest. It takes place May 19-20, 2007 at Maker’s Faire at the San Mateo Fairgrounds. We want you to build a real, working […]

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Blinkybug (Maker Faire version)

Blinkybug (Maker Faire version)

Obeyken shows you how to make Blinkybugs – Blinkybugs are small, eletro-mechanical insects that respond to stimulus such as movement, vibration, and air currents by blinking there LED eyes. They’re incredibly simple, yet have a certain lifelike quality. I’ve been making variations of these for a while now, and showing others how to make them […]

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Maker faire: The Disgusting Spectacle – Giant human hamster wheel & nose picking machine

Maker faire: The Disgusting Spectacle – Giant human hamster wheel & nose picking machine

Here’s a fun interactive toy in the Rube Goldberg style. The “coin” is a 10′ human hamster wheel. Participants walk on the wheel. This turns a pulley which turns a large disc from an electrical spool which lifts a see-saw lever which lifts an “arm” which twists a finger into the nose of a 12 […]

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Maker Faire: The Neverwas Haul

Maker Faire: The Neverwas Haul

Kathy sent in an overview of one of my favorite projects that will be at Maker Faire, the Neverwas Haul – Neverwas Haul, a self-propelled 3-story Victorian House, made from 75% recycled equipment and materials, is the flagship of our project which also includes a steam-powered car, Kristie’s Flyer. The Haul measures 24 feet long […]

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