Simple, Humane PVC Mousetrap
Make a quick, easy, and effective mousetrap out of common items and PVC piping.
Make a quick, easy, and effective mousetrap out of common items and PVC piping.
You wouldn’t normally want to snag a piece of cheese from a mouse trap, but Stephen Johnson thought they’d make for a fun cheese board.
A very simple-to-make mousetrap that uses little more than a soda bottle and a few chunks of wood.
Life Size Mousetrap have taken a childhood game and turned it into a sideshow spectacle that any carny would be proud to be a part of. An impressively giant Rube Goldberg machine, music, dancing, clowns and much good humor make this a show you don’t want to miss.
It’s a great feeling to look at something a maker brings to the Faire and know it’s going to be awesome even though they’re still putting the pieces together.
User Alan Perekh posted this on the Hacked Gadgets forum. He baited the business end of his Shop Vac with some peanut butter, and plugged into an IR motion sensor. Whenever a mouse comes by to check it out, the sensor is trigger and the little rodent gets sucked into the vacuum, presumably for remote release.
Okay, so maybe this doesn’t fall under the “building a better mousetrap” category — more like “over-building a mousetrap with levels of digital control and electronic actuation that it doesn’t really need, but it’s a fun project anyway” category. Arduino Mousecatcher