
Beautiful ‘silk frost’ fibrous ice formations

Beautiful ‘silk frost’ fibrous ice formations

Dr. James Carter is a professor in the Department of Geography-Geology at the University of Illinois. One of his many interesting pages collects photos and other reports (dating back to 1884) of so-called “hair ice,” “haareis,” or (my fav) “silk frost.” The fibrous ice crystals seem to be caused by the pore structure of certain woods, and only forms where the bark has been removed. Reportedly, the phenomenon is reproducible: if you find a piece of wood growing hair ice, you can warm it up, then re-freeze it, and it will grow hair ice again. [via Neatorama]

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Mother Nature’s Detroit Art

A series of photos by James D. Griffioen, on the Planet Mag website, show the “greening” of Motor City, what used to be one of the country’s biggest production centers. In the light of the Moss Graffiti tutorial and the grassy 3D painting piece we saw in the last couple of weeks, this struck me […]

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