In the Maker Shed: Netduino Plus
Are you familiar with .NET programming and want to get into microcontrollers? Have a look at the Netduino Plus available in the Maker Shed.
Are you familiar with .NET programming and want to get into microcontrollers? Have a look at the Netduino Plus available in the Maker Shed.
I spent the last weekend as an advisor to Betaspring‘s Digital Meets Physical Hackathon. The participants arrived Saturday morning and organized into teams. I stayed until about midnight, and returned around 10am Sunday morning, where I was able to help a couple teams get unstuck. It wasn’t that I was any smarter than them; I […]
Fabien Royer and Bertrand Le Roy wrote in to let us know about their latest creation, an RGB video wall made with a Netduino Mini and an Adafruit LED strip: What’s not to like about RGB LEDs? With their bright, mesmerizing glow, often capable of displaying millions of colors, they’re a great to way to […]
Digital Meets Physical will bring makers, software hackers, and DIY geeks together for two days of outrageous fun, using the Netduino platform and other fun toys to build our brains out. We’ll be hacking at the AS220 Labs, a hackerspace where tools, technology and inspiration abound. With no less than 10 top quality watering holes within spitting distance, power breaks and refueling will be top notch.
If you’re in Portland, OR for the O’Reilly Open Source Convention, come to the expo floor and check out the Maker Shed. We’ve got a whole bunch of stuff for sale here; Arduinos, Mintduinos, Mintronics Survival Packs, Netduinos, books, and more.
Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Rough Cuts Version
Connecting Sensors and Microcontrollers to the Cloud
David Powell, Jeremy Ashinghurst, Paul King, and Jason McMahon from the Harford Hackerspace in Baltimore have rebuilt/repowered a Tron Legacy Identity Disc using a Netduino (adding lots of extra LEDs in the process). They’ve posted a complete project writeup at Coding4Fun