
Uses for plastic bottles

Uses for plastic bottles

This Instructable has a bunch of ideas for reusing plastic (PET) bottles. Some of them are obvious (a grain scoop and a parts bins), some are more novel (a mosquito trap and a plant coldframe). Above are biscuit/cookie cutter, a butter churn, an LED light bulb, and an electric fence insulator. Quick and easy homestead […]



In my classroom, there is a shelf by the sink. Occasionally, I drink a soda and put the empty bottle or can on the shelf. For years, there has been no more than three or four bottles at a time on the shelf. Sometimes, I take them off to the store and return them for […]

10% cigarette butts

Not a label you’d frequently see on clothing, right? The sweater in this picture is an exception: Image, story via Ecofriend Geurrero Mantis has got the insight that recycling those filthy cigarette butts could make them wearable. These hats, gloves and jackets are fabricated with 10% of recycled cigarette filters and the rest comes from […]