
Femisapien videos

Robert Oschler, of RobotsRule, sent us news of these new videos WowWee has just released, showing their “Femisapien” (ugh) robot, which features poseable scripting. In the first video, WowWee (and BEAM) robotics guru Mark Tilden shows how the scripting works. The second, rather goofy, video shows two bots fencing as they play back their scripts. […]

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Drive-by-wire auto now available

Drive-by-wire auto now available

My pal Jesse Hurdus, who helped me out on my robot book, was also part of Virginia Tech’s VictorTango Urban Challenge Team. He writes to “Thought I’d send some interesting news your way. Team VictorTango’s base vehicle platform for the Urban Challenge (which placed third, just behind Stanford), is now being sold as a […]

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Waalbot wall climbing robot

Waalbot wall climbing robot

Here’s an episode of EngineeringTV featuring a gecko-inspired wall-walker being developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Waalbot Wall Climbing Robot

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Giant spider bot walker

Via Suicide Bots comes this amazing mechanical walker with this caption: Giant mechanical spiders take away some of the hurt in the world. Yes. Yes they do. MoltenSteelMan: Walking Beast [via]

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Robofish will go where we can’t

Kristi Morgansen of the University of Washington, has been working on developing underwater robots that are maneuverable, not disruptive to the environment, and can work as a team to collect data in 3 D’s situations – that is, jobs that are dirty, dull, and dangerous. While most ocean robots require periodic communication with scientist or […]

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Jumping bot

Jumping bot

Nifty jumping bot created at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Jumping can be a very efficient mode of locomotion for small robots to overcome large obstacles and travel in natural, rough terrain. We present the development and characterization of a novel 5cm, 7g jumping robot. It can jump obstacles as high as more […]

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