
3D-printable baking soda & vinegar rocket

Thingiverse user Ben of Camas, WA, designed and printed this sleek rocket, filled it with baking soda and vinegar, shook it, then placed it on the ground and watched it take off. True success! Today, powered by pure bicarb ($1.99) and 5% strength pickling vinegar ($0.99) it flew as high as the house – about […]

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Rockets from office supplies!

Rockets from office supplies!

Here’s a great how-to on building a “liquid fueled” rocket using little more than a fat Sharpie marker, a can of compressed air, and a few more supplies found down on the Cube Farm. The resulting rocket can fly up to 75 feet! But hey there, John Glenn of the IT Department, BE CAREFUL! This […]

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Cincinnati Jr Makers’ rockets

Cincinnati Jr Makers’ rockets

The Cincinnati Junior Makers group started as a bunch of bike riding fathers with young kids. The group used to go on rides hauling their cherubs around on bike trailers and tagalongs. Now the kids are old enough to ride on their own, but not quite up for the challenge of traffic. Since they like […]

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